empleo para discapacitados en Torrent - Torrent Closures disabled workers policy earns an Award

On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Council of Jerez de la Frontera publicly recognised Group Torrent for generating working opportunities for disabled workers during the last seven years.

Integration and equality for disabled workers.

The Delegate of Social Welfare of the City, Isabel Paredes, along with the Mayor, María José García Pelayo, handed the award to David Torrent,General Manager of the group, past 3rd of December . The event took place in the Museo de la Atalaya and was attended by numerous representatives of different disabled city associations.
Innovation, systems implementation and export are essential values for us. We are world leaders in the manufacture of EVOO caps, and a referent to other industry sectors . We have four production plants. Two in Jerez, one in El Puerto and one in India, from where we serve the Asian market.

But our expansion would not be possible without the human capital. We understand that professional collaboration with organizations for the disabled is “fundamental” to the optimal performance of our business commitments.
For our group, “This is a recognition of the corporate social vision that we like to keep.”