tapones para farmacia y parafarmacia - Torrent can manufacture custom pharma closures.

In the wide range of offers on closures, Torrent Group also have a proposal for pharmacy and parapharmacy products which enables content to retain all its properties from the beginning. This screw type aluminum pharma closures, prevent any tampering and evidence a subsequent filling of the product.

Torrent can manufacture custom pharma closures.

Torrent can manufacture custom, unique caps for your firm, designing the sketches, creating the photoliths, negatives and templates for creating a single distinctive brand. We work with clients to adapt our proposal to any of their demands and we guide and advise them at every stage of the process. The size of the cap will never be a concern, because we work with several industrial measures that will fit to the needs of the packaging.

We serve to the pharmacy and parapharmacy sector following the most exhaust hygiene and security protocols. The immediate response capability is also an added value for the industry and in Torrent we fulfill this premise.

Continuous R+D processes in Torrent Closures leaded us to broad our product offer to Pharma and Parapharma industries.

The manufacturing process of the pharma closures is sustainable from an environmental point of view, not only because we recycle and reuse the waste material, but because our machines are working free of industrial oil, plus the used water is recovered and treated for recycling.

Torrent Group pays particular attention to research, technological development and innovation (R + D + i) using innovative production processes. We use latest technology and materials that benefits the final presentation of the product as ensure a perfect conservation on the content.

That is the reason why we expand our range of closures every day, for any product, because in Torrent Group we pride ourselves of always giving effective and unique solutions to our clients.