Torrent Group Distribution

The Torrent Group distribution has an extensive network of agents worldwide. Torrent has promoted the creation of new distribution offices in strategic places for the expansion of our company. We therefore have distribution offices in India, located at the Alisha Torrent Closures (ATC) production plant; in Colombia, with Tapas de las Américas and recently, in Mexico, from where we distribute throughout the whole country and part of the Latin American continent.

Our national and international representatives provide continuous assistance, adapted to customer requirements. As it is a product with important technical requirements, we offer personalised advice, even during the bottle closure phase.

mapatorrent 24 | Torrent Group Spain

Torrent Group Distribution at an International Level

torrent dist | Torrent Group Spain

Distribution in Mexico

The start-up of a Torrent Group distribution centre in the Mexican capital, is a firm commitment by our group to maintaining a prominent presence throughout the country. The high consumption of spirits and liqueurs in Mexico and the serious problem posed by the counterfeiting of beverages, both for public health and for the lack revenue experienced by the Government, has promoted the sale of high quality and precision closures.

Nuestra distribuidora en México cuenta además con almacén propio. Esto favorece los costes en las ventas y aumenta la capacidad de respuesta de nuestras acciones comerciales en el país Our distributor in Mexico also has its own warehouse. This boosts costs in sales and increases the response capacity of our commercial actions in the Latin American country. We offer a wide range of models of non-refillable stoppers for tequila, mescal and all kinds of liqueurs and spirits. The added value of our closures is subjected to the application of the highest technological standards in order to ensure levels of security against counterfeiting and refilling.

Distribution in Colombia

In the case of Colombia, where we have a commercial and distribution office, we face a very common practice: the production of counterfeit liqueurs and spirits. More than 50% of the beverages found in the Colombian market, and in most Latin American countries, may be counterfeit.

In order to protect the authenticity of our customers’ products, we offer closure solutions that guarantee the safety and quality of bottle closures. A team of highly qualified professionals and technicians from Torrent attend to the needs of our customers on a daily basis with the aim of addressing the fraud and counterfeit systems of Colombian liqueurs.

alisha dist | Torrent Group Spain

Distribution in India

Since our closure production plant in India was set up 3 years ago, we have focused all our liqueur closures distribution activity at our facilities in Jaipur. Alisha Torrent Company (ATC) not only distributes closure solutions throughout India but also to various surrounding countries.

Our business philosophy is based on offering our customers a competitive product that meets their needs. In turn, it is innovative and meets the maximum quality requirements. We achieve all this through an agile and flexible supply service. Similarly, we provide our customers with an advisory service regarding the appropriate closure, its management and application.