Cicytex: Extremadura Centre for Scientific and Technological Research

Cicytex, Extremadura Scientific and Technological Research Centre began in the Division 8 Regional Centre for Agricultural Research and Development (CRIDA 08), created in 1972. In 1984, it came under regional government authority under the Department for Employment, Business and Innovation, which also includes the Agrifood Technological Institute (INTAEX) and the Cork, Wood and Charcoal Institute (Iprocor).
Currently, the Centre is running over 100 hundred research projects. Each project works on lines of research aimed at solving the problems of the Extremadura countryside, all with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure available to the agricultural and livestock sector.
The Institute is dedicated to supporting farmers, cattle dealers and companies in the region who can turn to their researchers for assistance in the field of research and development.
Cicytex Services
Since its creation, the Institute has taken on a number of roles that could be summarized as:
- Scientific and technological research and its promotion.
- The transfer of results from scientific and technological research to public and private institutions.
- Providing scientific-technical services to the Extremadura Regional Government as well as to other public and private administrations and institutions.
- Promoting the creation of technology-based entities and companies.
- Informing, assisting and advising on matters of scientific and technical research, technological development and innovation for public and private entities.
- Training research staff.
- Promoting scientific culture in society.
- Collaborating with the University of Extremadura, as well as with other universities in scientific and technical research activities, technological development and postgraduate teaching.
- Collaborating with other public and private organizations in the development of scientific and technical research activities and technological development.
On the other hand, CICYTEX is divided into five departments, which work on those issues of greatest interest to Extremadura agriculture and livestock, namely:
- Extensive Crops
- Horticulture
- Phytopathology
- Forest and Pasture Production
- Animal production