La mejora continua en Torrent, garantía de competitividad - Ongoing training benefits our company.

One of the essential actions to fulfil the principle of continuous improvement that characterizes Torrent Closures, is to maintain formation and training of our staff. So, for years, our Group have insisted especially in training and improving our professionals’ skills. This not only contributes the knowledge of our working team, but also benefits our customers, as it represents an investment to improve everyday and ensure new challenges.

Each year, on that purpose, a group of comprehensive courses are offered in a program, to improve the skills of Torrent Closures’ staff. Torrent Closures, in its factory in El Puerto de Santa María and its two plants in Jerez de la Frontera, has developed various courses for the staff, regardless of the level at which they are.

Ongoing training benefits our company.

This ongoing training, in addition to expanding the knowledge of our workers and stimulate them to new horizons, also benefits our company. If our staff is highly qualified we can face new challenges and consolidate the projects we have underway. This way, we raise the quality standards that the sector in which we find ourselves demands.

During 2014, we fulfiled, among others, a course of the ongoing training for managers on procedures for proper performance evaluation, graphic design, mold maintenance, management of thermoregulation, HACCP and food safety, programming and maintenance of automatic stacker, implementation and Auditing of ISO 22000, good handling practices and hygiene, first aid course, professional management, and an intensive program of business management, the last two taught at the San Telmo International Institute.