tapón irrellenable - ruavieja

The use of non-refillable stoppers for liqueurs and beverages in general represents an undeniable step forward in the fight against re-filling and counterfeiting of the product.

These practices are penalized by law in Spain, since, in addition to reducing income due to tax obligations, they pose a great risk to the health and well-being of consumers.

For decades, the Torrent Group has contributed to the safety of the food chain by providing its customers with customized closure solutions that provide safety and guarantee of origin.

Ruavieja selects our non-refillable stoppers

Recently, the firm Ruavieja has decided to improve the branding of its liqueurs and has selected our model of non-refillable stopper, Captor, to crown their bottles.

The Captor closure has different systems to detect re-filling and counterfeiting:

Tamper-evidence: Displays if the bottle has been previously opened.

Anti-counterfeiting: They allow the consumer to detect if a bottle in question is a forgery or not.

Non-refillable:  These prevent the bottle from being refilled with a lower quality product once it is empty.

In addition, our closure solutions can also be anti-drip stoppers, dispenser stoppers and non-refillable stoppers. The Torrent plugs incorporate drop-stopper systems that are designed and adapted by our R+D+I and that serve to prevent the bottle, the label and the consumer’s hand from getting stained.

Thank you @Ruavieja!!