Mercacei Magazine, the olive oil market leading magazine, published on both its digital and weekly editions featured information on our campaing “We Guarantee the Origin”, which promotes the benefits of the use of non-refillable caps for virgin olive oil bottles. As you may know, in this campaign we inform of the …

Website Olivarama reports on our campaing “We Guarantee the Origin”
Website Olivarama, reports recently on our campaing “We Guarantee the Origin” . As you may know this newly passed law tries to guarentee the quality of an iconic product of our gastronomy. This may be achieved by using non-refillable caps in olive oil bottles. Torrent Group, as closure producer, provides oil manufacturers …

Mercacei Magazine: Torrent Closures against counterfeiting and illegal to refill
Today counterfeiting and illegal to refill pose a growing threat and a serious risk to human health and consumer welfare. Our non-refillable pourers protect your clients from counterfeiting by preventing the illegal refill of bottles of olive oil, thus providing confidence and a guarantee of origin. Mercacei magazine, the olive …

Laser markings on closures: Additional safety
The possibility of applying a laser markings, as a safety measure for our closures, represents an added value for Torrent capsules. Aiming to provide consumers safety in the knowledge the product is original, our customers have the option to laser mark their brand, or any distinctive sign they want, on …