Srewcap 00 TorrentClosures.jpg 1 | Torrent Group Spain

Screw cap wine: benefits and tips

In countries like the United Kingdom, approximately 90% of white (and especially young) wines use the Screw Cap closure. This is also the case in New Zealand, South Africa and Chile, where screw caps have been used as closures for their wines for years. In fact, 92% of New Zealand …


sustainable production | Torrent Closures

Torrent opts for sustainable production

Torrent Group expanded its storage capacity for bulk polymer pellets by installing three new silos in Compañía de Tapones Irrellenables (CTISA), its El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) factory, marking another step towards sustainable production. There is now a total of nine silos servicing this production plant. Objectives: Sustainable production …