The International exhibition of machinery for bottling and enology held in Italy just closed its doors with great success. Organized by Unione Italiana Vini took place in November between 3rd and 6th in Milan.

The SIMEI is the international exhibition of reference among companies in the wine sector whereas this time, Olive oil had a substantial presence. Torrent Group wanted to attend the exhibition to cater, first hand, the needs of our customers in wine and oil sectors.

La participación de Torrent Group en la SIMEI.

Torrent Group participated with their own stand and a strong business presence, doing a very positive balance of the exhibition, as the fair represents an excellent opportunity to exchange and discuss point of view around the technological improvements in oil, drink and wine sectors.

The international character of the exhibition makes that exhibitors and buyers, coming from United States, Australia, Chile, Spain, Brazil and Tunisia, among others, had the opportunity to attend a rich program of educational events, conferences and workshops.

For this edition, included a new format, called Enovitis Bussines; a format dedicated to vineyard and based on a network of operators.