BRC Packaging certifica la División de corcho del Grupo Torrent | Grupo Torrent

The Torrent Group Cork Division has been awarded the BRC Packaging certification, a recognised international standard applied to the manufacture of food packaging products.

The BRC PACKAGING standard, recognized worldwide by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), is specifically for companies that manufacture packaging materials for food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and medical products.

The BRC Packaging certifications therefore guarantees food safety for the drinks and spirits that use Torrent Closures.

What is the BRC Packaging standard and what does it mean for the Torrent Group?

The objective of the BRC Packaging standard is to guarantee the quality and food safety of packaging products in order to meet consumer demand.

Also known as the “BRC Global Food Packaging standard”, it stipulates high-demand production standards for the manufacturers of packaging used in the food industry. Its certification therefore attests to the commitment and professionalism of the Torrent Group Cork Division.

Amongst the BRC Packaging certification requisites, the organization is asked to demonstrate a high level of participation by its Senior Management, who should make available the resources required to meet everything stipulated by the Standard. Furthermore, the company is asked to draw up a HCCPA (Hazard and Critical Control Points Analysis) Plan in order to enable it to focus on and manage efficiently hazards involved with container and wrapping processes and products.

In this sense, the Torrent Group has successfully demonstrated that it has an efficient and documented quality management system and that its end products meet all the international requirements needed for food safety.

The BRC Packaging enables Torrent Closures to access new markets, with the support of an international validation confirming the quality and safety of our closure solutions.

It also increases the trust placed in us by our end customers and consumers, which is a fundamental boost to our industry.

Other Torrent Group Cork Division Certifications

At Torrent, we strive to improve our products and services a little more each day. On this basis, we seek the best advisors to assess us and provide us with constructive criticism in order to evolve and avoid decline.

Th BRC Packaging certification is therefore one further prestigious certification that our brand now has, and which guarantee the quality, transparency and sustainability of our closure. They are:

  • ISO 9001:2015: The 2015 version ISO 9001 is the most-recognised quality-management standard at a global level. It helps companies to meet the expectations and requirements of their customers. The quality management focus through processes encourages improvement to be maintained by organizations which choose to apply it.
    Having an ISO 9001 certificate or a company like ours, with plants on three different continents and over 250 employees, is a significant requirement, a great challenge and equally a great achievement, of which the entire Torrent Group is proud.
  • ISO 14001:2015: Another ISO standard that we have adopted is 14001, which standardises processes related to an Environmental Management System. Our Cork Division has also been awarded this recognition by the International Standardization Organization, due to our sustainable environmental management system that is respectful of the environment and people.

Our quality and environmental policies encourage to work towards being more sustainable without losing our competitive edge. Achieving this is a huge source of satisfaction for the Torrent Group.