tapones de plástico - Plastic Caps | Grupo Torrent

Plastic Caps Division, awarded with ISO 14001 in enviromental management

Our group plastic caps division, Compañia de Tapones Irrellenables was recently awarded with ISO 14001 certified norm, which is an internationally recognised environmental management standard. It is a systematic framework to manage the immediate and long term environmental impacts of an organisation’s products, services and processes. At Torrent Group, following our continuous improvement search, we marked the end …


Visita de la agencia IDEA a la nueva planta de litografía - IDEA Agency visits our new lithography process plant | Torrent Closures

IDEA Agency visits our new lithography process plant

The Provincial Manager in Cádiz for IDEA Agency Rosa Mellado, and her Executive Advisor, Gema Herrera, recently visited Metalgráfica, our new lithography process plant in Jerez. During the tour they were accompanied by the Group’s General Manager, David Torrent, Metalgrafica’s Manager, Tomás Majón and Purchasing Manager, Jorge Vidal. Our visitors learned in detail the processes …