tapones de plástico - Plastic Caps | Grupo Torrent

Our group plastic caps division, Compañia de Tapones Irrellenables was recently awarded with ISO 14001 certified norm, which is an internationally recognised environmental management standard. It is a systematic framework to manage the immediate and long term environmental impacts of an organisation’s products, services and processes. At Torrent Group, following our continuous improvement search, we marked the end of 2013 as our deadline for the certification, but we managed to achieve it before the estimated date.

Production of plastic caps under ISO14001 standards

We are now in the same line of most of our clients, using Norm ISO14001 to maintain our compromise with a more sustainable enviroment. Now, besides managing environmental impacts we help to improve the quality of our clients requirements.

Environmental impacts of the plastic caps

Apart from helping us to fulfil legal requirements, Norm ISO 14001 implies cost savings with greater emphasis on resource, waste and energy, plus reducing emissions and decreasing public liability insurance costs thus making our organization more competitive towards prospecting new bussines lines.

Moreover, fulfilling Norm ISO 14001 guarantees the implementation of the latest enviromental requirements. By doing so, we minimise the risk of administrative sanctions related to breaches in the enviromental protection system and we prevent the negative effects that may be derived from our manufacturing processes.