OCS certification | Grupo Torrent

Grupo Torrent has successfully passed the OCS certification audit carried out by the AENOR organization. This marks yet another step on the path to being a responsible company in terms of our relationship with the environment and society.

Sustainability in our production processes is one of the main points within the Torrent Group’s Strategic Plan. This includes the implementation and stimulation of practices related to the Circular Economy and care for the Environment, in which we invest as many resources as necessary.

In this sense, a new milestone in the history of Torrent and corporate social responsibility is being awarded OCS certification. This key objective enables us to evolve as manufacturers of high-quality and sustainable closure solutions, and avoid greenwashing that causes so much damage to consumers and the reputation of companies.

What is OCS certification?

The OCS (Operation Clean Sweep) Programme is a global initiative of the industry in general, which aims to reduce the loss of pellets (primary microplastics). Torrent has been part of this initiative for over a year.

The project began in Europe and spread throughout the continent, reaching the United Kingdom and several countries in America. Its objective is to promote awareness and the implementation of good practices for the prevention of pellet losses among companies that participate throughout the entire polymer value chain. That is how we prevent leakage into the environment and force a reduction in the presence of pellets in the oceans, preventing primary microplastics from reaching the sea.

By signing the OCS agreement, Torrent recognizes the importance of preventing spills and inadvertent releases of pellets into the environment.

What does being OCS certification mean?

As part of the programme, Grupo Torrent undertakes to implement 5 main measures in its production processes:

  • Prioritize the objective of “zero pellet loss” in order to reassess the entire production system.
  • Make employees aware of the importance of being committed to such goals.
  • Monitor the success of this management through measurable indicators.
  • Adhere to applicable local and national regulations.
  • Transform the company into a defender and promotor of the programme’s benefits for its own suppliers, partners and customers, in order to recruit more volunteers to the project.

In fact, implementing OCS brings great benefits to an organization.

The benefits of implementing the OCS certification.

Among the advantages of working within an OCS framework, we can highlight:

  • Participating in voluntary initiatives.
  • Reducing the impact of our production on the aquatic environment.
  • Reducing material waste, as well as maximizing the use of raw material.
  • Improving operational efficiency.
  • Guaranteeing compliance with local and national regulations on pellet control.
  • Increasing the reputation of Torrent Group and the plastics industry in general, which has recently come under great scrutiny.

At Torrent, we have already seen great results. In eight months, we have collected over 9 tons of pellets from the daily operation that would have been discarded, and we have rescued and recycled them. With this, we have prevented them from ending up in the sea and contaminating our waters.

Due to our commitment to sustainability and caring for the planet, we decided not only to implement OCS good practices but also to go further and secure certification under external audit, in order to stay motivated and on the right path.

Torrent is one just over 20 European companies that have the OCS certification, and one of the first in the plastic transformation sector.